" This groundbreaking book tells the story of de Vere's action-packed life-as Renaissance man, spendthrift, courtier, wit, student, scoundrel, patron, military adventurer, and, above all, prolific ghostwriter-finding in it the background ...
Each author in this collection shares a slightly different view of Conroy. Through their voices, a multifaceted portrait of him comes to life and sheds new light on who he was.
" Footnotes give additional information concerning many of the people listed. This volume was published in 1949 to help scholarly research in the history of colonial of Georgia.
... David Stockman , " The Atlantic , December , 1981 , 33 . 79 Andrew Glass , “ Reagan Outlines Plan for Economic Recovery , ” Politico , February 18 , 1981 ... in author's files . 106 Rowland Evans and Robert Novak , “ President Just.
... in Author Country a Century Ago , " in Ann Rowland and Paul Westover ( eds ) , Transatlantic Literature and Author Love in the Nineteenth Century ( New York : Palgrave Macmillan , forthcoming ) . Booth , Wayne C. , Critical ...
Sixty years after Bonhoeffer's death and forty years after the publication of Eberhard Bethge's ground breaking biography, Ferdinand Schlingensiepen offers a definitive new book on Bonhoeffer, for a new generation of readers.
The book is international in scope, describing the spread of systems thinking in France and Sweden. The story it tells helps to explain engineering thought and managerial practice during the last sixty years.