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inauthor: Dwight O. Troyer from
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is one of the most fascinating yet least understood intelligence gathering organizations in the world
inauthor: Dwight O. Troyer from
It represents Volume 9 of Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry and utilizes the general chapters which appear in the 8-volume work.
inauthor: Dwight O. Troyer from
The chief interest in this work rests with the naturalizations in Part III, which were compiled from Maryland's Provincial Court documents in the Hall of Records, Annapolis, Between 1742 and 1775 upwards of 1,000 naturalizations were ...
inauthor: Dwight O. Troyer from
- Michael Schnürch: Recent Progress on the Halogen Dance Reaction on Heterocycles.- T. Kosjek ∙ E. Heath: Halogenated Heterocycles as Pharmaceuticals.
inauthor: Dwight O. Troyer from
Gordian Knot examines South Africa's freedom struggle in the years surrounding African decolonization, using the global apartheid debate to explore the way new nation-states changed the international community during the mid-twentieth ...