"The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World" by Sir Edward Shepherd Creasy is a seminal work in military history, providing insightful historical analysis into pivotal conflicts that shaped the course of civilizations.
This book tells the story of the fifteen military engagements (from Marathon to Waterloo) which, according to the author, had a significant impact on world history.
Creasy's most famous work, the Fifteen Battles, reveals much about 19th century white-supremacist European sentiment, being laced with explicit references to the deplorable barbarism and immorality of non-Europeans.
"First published in this edition 1908. Reprinted ... 1931."Introduction signed: E.R. [i.e. Ernest Rhys]"The present volume is a reprint of the 5th edition (1854), which embodies the fuller account of the battle of Waterloo.
The battle of Marathon -- Defeat of the Athenians at Syracuse, 413 B.C. -- The battle of Arbela -- The battle of the Metaurus, 207 B.C. -- Victory of Arminius over the Roman legions under Varus, A.D. 9 -- The battle of Chalons, A.D. 451 -- ...