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inauthor: Florida. Legislature. Senate from
... Florida voters are demonstrating an alert intelligence which has been delighting • their congressional ... Senate" Public Works Committee, but the Senate -group is not the controlling ... in author- *izing the 70-group plan, over the ...
inauthor: Florida. Legislature. Senate from
... in author Michael Gora's own life. While working as an assistant public ... House of Representatives — faced with day to day decisions, with votes ... Florida (UF>. Subject chosen, he set out to write an intelligent story in a ...
inauthor: Florida. Legislature. Senate from
... Florida and from coast. The price would bo 40 per horsepower, with. cent of this would COSUQ Into the al treasury. There are three almost Identical bills pending In the senate and house Interstate commerce committees to regulate the ...
inauthor: Florida. Legislature. Senate from
... in. author the liecla ration of Independence, the statute of ... senate of of o the I'nited Stiles, where he serve He has also accumu.^. lated ... legislature. Eleven of the states- s - Delaware. Florida, Illinois, Indiana ...
inauthor: Florida. Legislature. Senate from
... state history. Florida. Republican Charlie Crist fended off Democratic Rep ... senator in the South since the 1870s. But his bid was foiled by the former ... in author Webb s novels as demeaning to women. West Virginia KuOart C ...
inauthor: Florida. Legislature. Senate from
... Legislature te make the Baltimore and < Jhio receive such connections as ... Senate) the House bill propoai-Jg o oai-Jg -EeulBg amendment nt to the ... Florida. ida. It is denied emphatically, and by hose e who ought to know ...
inauthor: Florida. Legislature. Senate from
... In author of lh« plan for opening en nveuD' from Washington to Mount ... Florida, reporta lo tbe marine hospital B'rvloe under daie of Novembsr 11 ... senate may or may nol agree to, nud which, If ll ever reaches Ibe While II m ...
inauthor: Florida. Legislature. Senate from
... Senator Duncan U. matcher's, bloat against the arguments put forth by Ger ... Florida citlcens are ex- pected to attend the meeting in Bal- tlmore next ... state supreme .court, ruling on th*. constitutionality of -the ...
inauthor: Florida. Legislature. Senate from
... Florida, Orepim, Idaho, Ma- bauia, bauia, Minnesota. Utah and several other ... Senator l)r]it'W. evidently impressed with the seriousness of the ... Legislature, but upon the board's revaluations nnd tho increase, in rail ...
inauthor: Florida. Legislature. Senate from
... Senate," we jiublU'h it in the hope that it will shew our democratic friend ... Florida nrc measures which 1 h heartily approve, as well as the firmn ness ... legislature, like Phillip nmong t the Aniphyctioni of (Jrcecc, not ...