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Abstract. This chapter explores the clash between global Garveyism and local Garveyism by investigating the practice of Garveyism on the ground.
Introduction. 1. Part I: The Pioneers. I. Scaling the Heights. 24. II. Sugar Hill Goes on Trial. 76. III. Desegregating the Crenshaw District.
Tony Martin, Race First: The Ideological and Organizational Struggles of Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association (Dover, Mass.
Abstract. This chapter is an initial attempt to recover the overlooked histories of Garveyite women in Africa. During the 1920s and 1930s, working within ...
Courtauld Books Online is a series of scholarly books published by The Courtauld Institute of Art.The series includes research publications that emerge from ...
The Academic Affairs division of the University of West Georgia prides itself on having faculty who are actively engaged in teaching, scholarly research and ...
In a typical correspondence, Walter White writes: “Does [state senator] Diggs know of the wide- spread belief that John Davis and the NNC are reputed to be ...
Nov 7, 2015 · Craigen W. Bowen Paper. Conservation Fellow. Straus Center for. Conservation and. Technical Studies at. Harvard Art Museums,. Boston, MA.
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