This book highlights best practices in the activities and regulation of these merchants of labour as well as innovative strategies to protect migrant workers, underlining the contribution of ILO standards.
This survey examines the content and application of ILO Conventions relating to minimum standards of working hours (particularly Convention no. 1 and no. 30 covering maximum hours of work for industrial workers, and those in offices and ...
This glossary, one of the first of its kind, provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of the development and current status of labour law and industrial relations issues, including globalization and international labour standards.
This main purpose of this publication is to provide an introductory text on the policies relating to the concept of decent work, with special reference to the four ILO strategic objectives of rights at work, employment, social protection ...
Vol. 1, Apr. 1919/ Aug. 1920 (published 1923) is a collection of documents relating to the history and activities of the International Labor Organization from its initiation in the Commission on International Labour Legislation appointed by ...
Vol. 1, Apr. 1919/ Aug. 1920 (published 1923) is a collection of documents relating to the history and activities of the International Labor Organization from its initiation in the Commission on International Labour Legislation appointed by ...
Drawing on these unique resources, this book offers a comprehensive and accessible overview of international labour migration and the ILO's efforts to protect migrant workers through a rights-based approach.