... JOHN . HALL , CHRISTOPHER NEWMAN ( 1816-1902 ) . An English Congregational minister , born at Maidstone , Kent , and educated at Totteridge , at Highbury College , and at the University ... University . From 1869 until ... HALL . HALL . 4.
... Hall has already shown her fitness for the task by an in- author has ... John Foster , Lon . , 1831-33 , 6 vols . 8vo ; 1839 , 6 vols . 8vo ; 1845 ... University of Pennsylvania and Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of ...
... in . Author of a System of Moral Philosophy . B. 1694 † 1746 . 66 A ... JOHN MILLAR , ESQ . , UNIV . GLASG . 1796. " " Tassie F. " . Wood frame . D ... Hall ; inscribed on truncation , 1790. T. " Wood frame . D. 14 in . × 1 in ...
... John Florio . became B.A. in the following year , when he But the Stratford ... University of Oxford , ' education Thomas Hunt " ; and Halliwell- i . pp ... Hall , Oxon , on March 3 , 1575/6 ; or , more pro- bably , because he is ...
... John Hall Stevenson , who was a friend of Sterne and " Eugenius " of the Sentimental Journey . another edition ... in author's rare early little Edinburgh , 1894-98 2694 STEVENSON ( Robert Louis ) . EDINBURGH EDITION , with a fine ...
... John , said to be ancestor of the Hendleys. In AUTHOR OF PLAY WANTED ( 8th S ... HALL . " SEWER " ( 8th S. ix . 187 ) .- - " An officer who served up a feast ... John Warren Hayes , Bart . , died at the residence of his son - in ...
An Exposition of the Second Answer of the Shorter Catechism John Hall. enough to show him that they are all given to ... in author- ity to it , a body of laws and doctrines 78 THE SCRIPTURES CHAPTER XIII Other rules;-Tradition,
... JOHN RICHARD GREEN . THE ATHENEUM Messrs . HURST & BLACKETT regret that ... IN Author of ' Renaissance Studies , ' & c . Crown 3s . 6d . net ... HALL . By the Author of ' A Superfluous Woman , ' & c . " We have not read ...
... ( In author's Forgery . O. 1857. ) 2 J12 - - History of Charlemagne . S. N.Y. ... ( In author's Life of vicissitudes . O. 1856. ) 2 J21 - Whim and its ... John Marston Hall . 1 J6 anon . 2 v . in 1. D. N.Y. 1855 . 2 J20 - Life of ...