John Tidd Pratt was an English barrister and civil servant. He was a registrar of friendly societies. Wikipedia
Born: December 13, 1797, London, United Kingdom
Died: January 9, 1870 (age 72 years), Westminster, London, United Kingdom
Edited works: The Law of Friendly Societies and Industrial and Provident Societies: With the Acts, Observations Thereon, Forms of Rules, Etc., Reports of Leading Cases at Length, and a Copious Index, The Law Relating to Friendly Societies, Pratt's Law of Highways: 5 & 6 Will. 4, Cap. 50, 25 & 26 Vict. Cap. 61, 27 & 28 Vict. Cap. 101, and Other Statutes : with an Introduction Explanatory of the Whole Law Upon the Subject, Notes, Cases, and Index, and more
Books: A Summary of the Savings Banks in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, Etc, Will IV. C. 14. The Law Relating to the Purchase of Government Annuities Through the Medium of Savings Banks and Parochial Societies. Comprising the Stat. 3. W. IV. C. 14., with Explanatory Notes and References ; an Appendix ... and a Copious Index with a Form of Rules. By John Tidd Pratt, The Savings Banks in England, Wales, and Ireland Arranged According to Counties and the Increase Or Decrease of Each Class of Depositors, &c. Since November 1831, from the Latest Official Returns &c: With an Appendix Containing All the Returns Relating to Savings Banks, Printed by Order of the House of Commons Since November 1830, and more