... Park - road , Haverstock - hill , N.W. Established 1884 . TYPE - WRITING ... SIR FREDERIC LEIGHTON , P.R.A. All the Best and most Popular Books of the ... JAMES'S - SQUARE , 8.W. President - LORD TENNYSON . Vice - Presidents - Rt ...
... Sir Charles , 317 Canterbury , Archbishop of , 320 Caprivi , Count , 49 Carey , James , turns informer against Phoenix Park ... inn at , 42-3 Carson , Sir Edward , 268 Casey , Thomas , 59 Cavendish , Lord ... Allen , 76 Chartists ...
... JAMES STEVENS , Auctioneer and House- London , or at Messrs . Ransom , Bouverie , and Co.'s , Bankers agent ... park - square , W. HINDOOSTANI AND PERSIAN . LESSONS in the above LANGUAGES are given by an INDIAN GENTLEMAN of Twenty ...
... JAMES FORSYTH , Fittings , Columns , & c . & c . will , upon receipt of par- ticulars , be forwarded free , on application to TURNER & ALLEN , Engi- Thames - street , E.C. VENTILATION . DETAIL DRAWINGS and particulars of the most ...
We have determined this item to be in the public domain according to US copyright law through information in the bibliographic record and/or US copyright renewal records.
... James , A. B. ( Vassar ) , B. L. S. ( N. Y. State Library School ) PART III ( To be continued ) PRINCIPAL CONTENTS OF THE LIBRARY. Glacier National Park - continued . Laut , Agnes Christina . Taming the wilderness of the northwest ...
... University Scholarships and College Exhibitions for annual competition ... Park , W. MISS MARY LEECH'S MORNING SCHOOL for Young LADIES is NOW OPEN , at ... Sir Wm . Thomson . Mr. Blackburn . Dr. Grant . ( Dr. James Thom- son ...
... Sir Thomas , of Marble Hill , his family , 20 , 21 . Burke , Thomas , Under - Secretary after Sir Thomas Larcom , murdered in the Phoenix Park , 238 . Bushe , Right Hon . C. K. , Lord Chief - Justice of Ireland , 43 , 158 . Butler ...