... House — Capital Notes. Washington, Dec. 24. - Representative lve Beach / of Ohio today will intro- following bill, authorizing the president of the United States ... Congress has. acted upon. the president's suggestion in author- izing the ...
... senate con. r. affairs. Sir. —. Atkins, chairman of the committee. *•. —. i. PARIS April 3 —The Temps states that tion at Berlin, was to be a free port, is MAUCH CHUNK, PH., April 6 —A collisCHtions at two o'clock were that the reside-ring ...
... in author! ty. Tho rcso Intion of censuro was nd.ipted -yeas 43, naya 7, Tho Senate then adjourned,. In tho House of lieprcsentntives Thursday several members delivered eulogies upon the late Thaddons, Stev.ns. Mr. Dickey, his successor ...
... United States against the calamitous measure. There was an entire lack of ... committee having charge of last evening's affair had taken ample measures to ... Congress to do something to improve affairs, and the Ways and Means ...
... Senate on Saturday ast, in re-calling from tho House th« reso- utiun fur adjournment on tho2Uih of May, 8 very eonsiblo, Tho business in the Son- ale is groatly behind hand. A lare number f important measures, including tho tariff, lavo ...
... United States Supreme Court, which on every ground of personal character or ... government of the city of Now York and particularly the police department ... committee show that the leaders in the Democratic party in the Ktate ...
... United States and West Ger many. In Moscow Sunday, the govern, ment organ ... House Majority Leader Stephen McCann (D-Grcenci prepared lo rally hij> 107 ... Committee, tacked on an amendment which would increase the present penny ...
... committee, with power lo act. W. J. Bi-van was made tho unanimous l">le< of ... government. AVo believe In a that t the niajL.nfejianeo of the principles i ... congress, voted, as dlil also •.!! lending Republicans, both in the ...
... committee member Mr. Tyagi drew a parallel of prevailing situation in Ayodhya with what existed in Ihe Golden Temple complex, Amrilsar. just, before (he Operation ... government of the rule of prevailing at Ayodhya and its iraplmeniation of ...
... House On Matter and May Change Things BOLD PROTEST MAY BE MADE SOON. V.>«=hington August epresentatives in congress ... States frigate the lias just been completed by superintendent of the Pen ... committee of the National I.ftt<-r i oj ...