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inauthor: Cleaveland John from
... John D. Sot HP, Mrs. Jospph RebW. Mrs Glpnn Krller. Mrs Ctyd* Wilson. Mrs ... in Author Meets the Critics on Dumont-TV. starting with Stnssen nevt ... Cleveland, Columbus, New Haven. Omaha, Pittsburgh, Rock Island, St Louis ...
inauthor: Cleaveland John from
... in Author Verne Athanas collapsed Township schools before corn- 1911, had ... Cleveland where he had been Of John D. Petersburg, Fla., and six grandan ... John's Greeli Orthodox Church for Isidore Besides his wife, the former ...
inauthor: Cleaveland John from
... Cleveland. It is published by Cassell, Jsew York. "The World's Fair City and ... University Studios Is "Quakers in Pennsylvania." by Albert C. Applegarth ... John A. Wright's "How to Got Good Judges." It is clear, practical aud ...
inauthor: Cleaveland John from
... John Burns with acting as a decoy for the Liberal party. Mo do. iionuces the ... in, author of the blank, eoomdod th . amendment. A. AJcGray tb Boston oft ... CLEVELAND. Dec. 15. - Tho nnwly- orgnnizcd Katiftnal Hardware Dealers ...
inauthor: Cleaveland John from
... In author inn. lay for It tali In- ill Hi In- in Hi "nil niti 'l.i.s .lulu ... John, Ober. llll COUCBC. Tho chief matters discussed wero niimniRr baseball ... Cleveland for backstop. himself is trying to ulgn up with the Naps for ...
inauthor: Cleaveland John from
... University of North Carolina lad a Seeing Eye dog as a por- fional gift . . . Walt Disney la preparing another radio aeries, with John Ncsbitt as commentator, Dan Saldenberg's orchestra and a Donald Duck novelty band. It's being readied ...
inauthor: Cleaveland John from
... University, but turned quick- - ly to criticism and essay writing, g ... Cleveland — Study in Courage," having taken the award in 1832. Ago 47, native of ... John Whitefield Owens, for edi .orlal writing — born in Arunde county ...
inauthor: Cleaveland John from
... JOHN 'in Author of the Tragedy, Hi,. Which -will boprnducod ou tho occasion at tho above thaatre, On WEDNESDAY, 17th ... CLEVELAND. Tho parformanoo will conclude THE IRISH with tho popular farco of LION.
inauthor: Cleaveland John from
... John Franz as track walker of the Luke Shore railroad. It. IT Thompson is ... Cleveland hospital. It. Shaw's shoe storo has been renovated inside and out ... in author* ity for the statement that Mayville is U) have a new park ...
inauthor: Cleaveland John from
Storv Sf/ll Best Seller Stray Cat Bring Change in Author. By JOHN DONNELLY Associated Press Writer NEW YORK (AP) - On a frosty Christmas Eve some years ago, author Cleveland Amory was in ill spirits. Manhattan sparkled with a fresh ...