To answer these questions, Melvyn P. Leffler homes in on four crucial episodes when American and Soviet leaders considered modulating, avoiding, or ending their global struggle “for the soul of mankind,” and asks why they failed: Stalin ...
Far from viewing development as a path to democracy, this book highlights the evolving commitment of Americans and Indonesians to authoritarianism in the 1960s on.
In 1945, Germany was a nation in ruins with its people near starvation. Ten years later, it was the most flourshing country in Europe. This "German miracle" and the role of the American occupation are brilliantly described & analyzed.
This book proves, with clinical detail, that it was the Allies, and not the Germans, who started the "blitz" and once underway, carried it to the most extreme murderous ends.
A major historical document, this book contains interviews with more than 150 Germans who witnessed, participated in, or resisted the rise of Adolph Hitler.