Weaving anthropological and philosophical reflections on the ordinary into her analysis, Das points toward a new way of interpreting violence in societies and cultures around the globe.
... J. Corn ( Cambridge , Mass .: MIT Press , 1986 ) , 155-57 . 24. Doane , The Desire to Desire , 22-24 . 25. “ Fashion Means Business , " The March of Time ( 1947 ) . Les Daniels ... Keith F. Davis , Todd Webb : Photographs of New York and ...
This third edition of the bestselling Essentials of the Theory of Fiction provides a comprehensive view of the theory of fiction from the nineteenth century through modernism and postmodernism to the present.
... J. ( 1986 ) . Continuing motivation of boys and girls under differing ... Daniels , D. H. ( 1991 ) . Explaining within semester changes in student ... Keith , T. Z. , & Ehly , S. W. ( 1986 ) . Is there a causal relation between ...
This comprehensive reference work is intended to provide intelligence professionals, scholars, and the general public with a detailed, topical accounting of the long and varied activities of U.S. Naval Intelligence. ill.
Every porn scene is a record of people at work. But on-camera labor is only the beginning of the story. Porn Work takes readers behind the scenes to explore what porn performers think of their work and how they intervene to hack it.
... in author's name , automatically . Reports within three weeks and pays ... J. Daniels , Editor . Monthly . Uses fea- ture articles up 2,500 words . No ... Keith , Editor . Monthly . Uses feature articles up to 2,500 words . No ...
In 1964 a small group of African American men in Jonesboro, Louisiana, defied the nonviolence policy of the mainstream civil rights movement and formed an armed self-defense organization--the Deacons for Defense and Justice--to protect ...