subject:"Arbitration, Industrial" from
This book examines how collective bargaining disputes are resolved among police and essential service employees.
subject:"Arbitration, Industrial" from
Set against the backdrop of economic downturn and struggle in the interwar years, in the years preceding the great depression, this is work of social, historical and economic interest.
subject:"Arbitration, Industrial" from
This book is co-published by the American Arbitration Association and the Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution.
subject:"Arbitration, Industrial" from
This Code of practice provides practical guidance to employers, workers and their representatives and sets out principles for handling disciplinary and grievance situations in the workplace.
subject:"Arbitration, Industrial" from
Ingrid Naumann untersucht die Vereinbarkeit von englischen anti-suit injunctions (Prozessführungsverboten) zur Durchsetzung von Schiedsvereinbarungen mit der internationalen Comitas, mit der New York Convention und insbesondere mit dem ...
subject:"Arbitration, Industrial" from
This is a manual of the theory and practice of collective bargaining, how it works and why.
subject:"Arbitration, Industrial" from
On arbitration and mediation as alternative dispute resolutions according to Indonesian law.
subject:"Arbitration, Industrial" from
- Acknowledgement - Arbitration Procedure (2006) - Part A. Objectives, references and appointment - Part B. Arrangements for the arbitration - Part C. Control of the proceedings - Part D. Procedures before the hearing - Part E. Procedure at ...
subject:"Arbitration, Industrial" from
本书以《最高人民法院关于审理劳动纠纷赔偿案件适用法律若干问题的解释》为主线,在主体法律之下逐条列出“相关规定”、“疑难解答”,并在一些法律应用的关键之处 ...
subject:"Arbitration, Industrial" from
Contained in these procedures are the following documents: - ICE Dispute Resolution Procedure Rules: Alternative One: For use on International Projects and UK Contracts which are not subject to the provisions of the UK Housing Grants ...