Rummaging through the iconographic documents passed on their desks, nowadays rearranged in the Neapolitan National library Palatine collection and consulting the volumes of the Royal library, it turns out a great turmoil of ideas and ...
Published to accompany an exhibition on view at the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, Apr. 26-Aug. 7, 2011, and at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Sept. 18-Dec. 10, 2011.
Las entrevistas aquí presentadas ofrecen incursiones en el mundo que significa "La Arquitectura de la Revolución Cubana" a través de relatos siempre "de primera mano": siempre personales, siempre tal como vividos, siempre tal como ...
Contains both general and technical info. about adaptable housing and is intended for disabled and non-disabled people, builders, developers, managers, architects, product mfrs., gov't. officials, and building code officials.
This volume reports on the proceedings of a workshop, held in Greece near the ancient site of Corinth, to discuss challenges faced by archaeological sites in the Mediterranean and to examine management planning methods that might generate ...
In this eighth volume of The Metropolitan Museum of Art's series, Papers, William Mills Ivins Jr. asserts that the rationalization of sight—the development of symbols and grammar for visual representation—was the most significant ...
Together they tell the story of a bold and visionary group of people creating a highly advanced prototype community and way of life based upon applying a philosophy that believes in human potential rather than supernatural forces, helps ...