Considers S. 2564 and companion H.R. 13828 and H.R. 15273, to develop a competitive market among the small electrical utilities for nuclear energy and to allow small electric utilities to participate in use and sale of nuclear power.
The series includes “Growing green: The economic benefits of climate action in Europe and Central Asia”, “Balancing act: Cutting energy subsidies and protecting affordability” and “Lessons learned from energy efficiency success ...
Dec. 8 hearing was held in Portland, Oreg.; Dec. 9 hearing was held in Seattle, Wash.; Dec. 10 hearing was held in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; Dec. 11 hearing was held in Kalispell, Mont., pt.2.
Nonetheless, it recommends several new policies to improve the performance of the electric power sector in developing countries. These reforms will guide future Bank activities in the sector.
This is greater than the cost of providing electricity service, and does not even include such benefits as improved communications, household comfort, food preservation, and income from productive activities.
Solo un estudio como este, en perspectiva histórica y dialéctica, permite comprender las tensiones esquizofrénicas en las que se debate la regulación de los servicios públicos en el siglo presente. Luis Ferney Moreno.