subject:"History, Ancient" from
The major theme of the Metamorphoses, as the title suggests, is metamorphosis, or change. Throughout the fifteen books making up the Metamorphoses, the idea of change is pervasive.
subject:"History, Ancient" from
Lombardo's Odyssey offers the distinctive speed, clarity, and boldness that so distinguished his 1997 Iliad.
subject:"History, Ancient" from
A rich source for students of Greek mythology and literature, the Homeric hymns are also fine poetry.
subject:"History, Ancient" from
Lives of the Eminent Philosophers of Diogenes Laertius is a crucial source for much of what we know about the origins of philosophy in ancient Greece.
subject:"History, Ancient" from
A fresh translation of The New Science, with detailed footnotes that will help both the scholar and the new reader navigate Vico's masterpiece The New Science is the major work of Italian philosopher Giambattista Vico.
subject:"History, Ancient" from
The Horse, the Wheel, and Language solves a puzzle that has vexed scholars for two centuries--the source of the Indo-European languages and English--and recovers a magnificent and influential civilization from the past.
subject:"History, Ancient" from
An advanced critical introduction to Greek tragedy for those who do not read Greek.
subject:"History, Ancient" from
While appreciative of the philosophical richness of the Art of War, this edition stresses Sun-tzu's practical origins and presents a translation that is both accurate and accessible.
subject:"History, Ancient" from
A user-friendly edition for the student reading Homer in the original Greek
subject:"History, Ancient" from
The dialog in Greek with introduction, notes and appendices in English