Using a range of national case studies from Europe and beyond, this book analyses the political, economic, social and regulatory issues raised in relation to the buying and selling of television sports rights.
Commissioned and brought tohgether for the research project by the world-renowned Council on Foreign Relations, the authors have produced an important compendia in applied economics.
"The diverse range of authors highlight the inherent complexities and controversial nature of the use of corporate voluntary initiatives for environmental improvements. This is an excellent reference book.
In this groundbreaking historical work, Amy Bentley explores how the invention of commercial baby food shaped American notions of infancy and influenced the evolution of parental and pediatric care.
The readings collected in these four volumes examine the evolution, operation, and performance of the American corporate enterprise, and the American corporate economy more generally.
"Don Kalb has taken a boisterous series of excursions into North Brabantrsquo;s modern history and come back with important news concerning ways of understanding economic change, class, and social experience.
This book offers analysis of both potential opportunities & pitfalls to avoid in the software, business process outsourcing, manufacturing, logistics, aviation, marketing, telemedicine & other sectors of the Indian economy.