subject:"Mississippi" from
A young woman who has left the South, returns to New Orleans several years later when her father is dying.
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The autobiography of the fiction writer Eudora Welty whose honors include the Pulitzer Prize and the American Book Award for fiction.
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Traces the monumental battle waged by civil rights organizations and by local people to establish basic human rights for all citizens of Mississippi
subject:"Mississippi" from
Richard Wright describes what it was like growing up in Jim Crow-era Mississippi.
subject:"Mississippi" from
The text of this Norton Critical Edition is that of the corrected edition scrupulously prepared by Noel Polk, whose textual note precedes the text.
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His visit spurred him to write a revelatory book about the work of one of our greatest but still least-understood American writers.
subject:"Mississippi" from
This edition reproduces the corrected text of As I Lay Dying as established in 1985 by Noel Polk.
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Before leaving, City is given a strange book without an author called Long Division. He learns that one of the book's main characters is also named City Coldson--but Long Division is set in 1985.
subject:"Mississippi" from
The adventures of a boy and a runaway slave as they float down the Mississippi River on a raft.