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subject:"Political Science / Human Rights" from
War crimes and crimes against humanity, including persecution, murder, forcible population transfer, torture, rape and extermination, have been committed against the Bambuti Pygmies in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
subject:"Political Science / Human Rights" from
Táto publikácia, Rovnosť a spravodlivosť na vedľajšej koľaji: Porovnávacia správa o diskriminácii Rómov a Rómok a ich prístupe k spravodlivosti na Slovensku a v Slovinsku poskytuje prehľad súčasného rozsahu diskriminácie ...
subject:"Political Science / Human Rights" from
Describes five theories of substance abuse treatment and details how to translate each theory into actual practice.
subject:"Political Science / Human Rights" from
Kitabda adi həyatdan tutmuş siyasətə və hərbiyyəyə qədər olduqca geniş bir diapa­zonda tətbiq olunan çoxlu sayda diplomatik manevrlərin, taktiki gedişlərin, psixoloji fəndlərin mexanizmi izah edilir, onlardan necə ...
subject:"Political Science / Human Rights" from
This book provides an overview of the first Australian regime, and then introduces these diverse critical views, broadening our engagement with euthanasia and voluntary assisted dying beyond the limited, but important, debates about law ...