inauthor:"Calvin Ellison" from
It was only after the fall of man that these enemies of God gained entrance into the human arena.It is the purpose of this book to help you have good health success from a holistic, biblical viewpoint.
inauthor:"Calvin Ellison" from
You will come away from this book with a renewed understanding and appreciation for the Word of God, a heightened sense of love and forgiveness, and the knowledge of how to turn imagination into manifestation.
inauthor:"Calvin Ellison" from
About the AuthorDr. Calvin Ellison is an Author, Entrepreneur, Naturopathic Doctor, Certified Nutritional Consultant, Global Wellness Trailblazer and Relationships Expert. He is the Founder of the Men Magnifying Manhood Movement.
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For those of you who are married reading this book, you know where you are in regards to the above statements. If you know you need to "up your game," start now!
inauthor:"Calvin Ellison" from
Great accomplishments in life are the results of the collaborative efforts of many people who passionately dedicate themselves to excellence. This book is no different.
inauthor:"Calvin Ellison" from
Politicians have waged ideological wars along political lines while the poor's cry goes unheard. Who is going to stand for the weak amongst us? In this book Dr. Ellison lays down the framework to recovery.
inauthor:"Calvin Ellison" from
It is the foundation to human expression, progress, and the fulfillment of purpose. Most of us start out with good health and afterwards begin to lose it. This book empowers you to protect and promote your number one wealth---Your Health.
inauthor:"Calvin Ellison" from
Regardless of how great individual talent is, winning requires the contributions of teammates.Through his visionary networking, Dr. Ellison has brought together a group of men passionate about contributing to the betterment of other men.
inauthor:"Calvin Ellison" from
This book will expound on various places God has met with people, leading up to the place God wants to meet you next.
inauthor:"Calvin Ellison" from
Magnifying ManhoodThe concept of manhood is a universal aspect of human culture, yet it manifests in myriad forms across the globe, shaped by diverse traditions, values, and societal expectations.