inauthor:"R. B." from
This is the only clerkship book on the market fully compliant with The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist (ACOG) guidelines, treatment recommendations, and committee opinions.
inauthor:"R. B." from
In this definitive short biography, Bernstein deftly synthesizes the massive scholarship on his subject into an insightful, evenhanded account illuminating Jefferson's central place in the American Enlightenment. Book jacket.
inauthor:"R. B." from
This book is the product of many years' experience teaching behavioral science in a way that demonstrates its relevance to clinical medicine.
inauthor:"R. B." from
In a scholarly, yet accessible work, Bernstein reveals the Founding Fathers not as shining demigods but as imperfect human beings who nevertheless achieved political greatness.
inauthor:"R. B." from
John Penrice's Dictionary and Glossary of the Kor-ân first published almost a century ago, has withstood the test of time, and has been an aid to generations of Kor-ân students.
inauthor:"R. B." from
This fascinating work, completed and edited by Chad Mitcham, one of Ralph Smith’s former students, himself a specialist and established author in this field, draws together the product of Professor Smith’s research at archives in ...
inauthor:"R. B." from
With essentially the same basis as the 1971 Abilities, Their Structure, Growth and Action, this new volume reflects the developments of subsequent years.
inauthor:"R. B." from
This work examines and reviews the ecological context of language planning in 14 countries in the Pacific basin: Japan, the two Koreas, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, ...
inauthor:"R. B." from
Discusses the private life and public career of the fifth president of the United States and author of the Declaration of Independence.