inauthor:"T. Allen" from
The text can easily be used in any Business Organization course with a focus on corporate law. New to the Sixth Edition: Extensively revised Chapter on rise of alternative business entities (e.g.
inauthor:"T. Allen" from
This book provides a new challenge. It arises from the work of the Lean Aerospace Initiative at MIT and provides a new agenda and bold vision for the aerospace industry to take it out of crisis.
inauthor:"T. Allen" from
Creating good advertising is an enormous challenge. Imaginative and refreshingly honest, Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion, 3e continues the tradition of providing students with a solid understanding of advertising strategy.
inauthor:"T. Allen" from
This book also offers powerful new insights into environmental risk-based considerations in design of processes and products.
inauthor:"T. Allen" from
Highlights include: * Instructor Resources available online, including a PowerPointpresentation. * "Real Estate Today" advisory boxes analyze specificlegal cases and controversial issues in the industry. * A recurring ...