inauthor:"Yoram Dinstein" from
This book examines the legislative, judicial and executive rights of the occupying power and its obligations to the civilian population.
inauthor:"Yoram Dinstein" from
With many segments having been rewritten to reflect recent State practice, this book remains a wide-ranging and highly readable introduction to the legal issues surrounding war and self-defence.
inauthor:"Yoram Dinstein" from
The book serves as a companion to three other volumes published by Cambridge University Press, dealing respectively with the jus ad bellum, the law of belligerent occupation, and non-international armed conflicts.
inauthor:"Yoram Dinstein" from
Analyses the legal implications of non-international armed conflicts at a time when their number is constantly growing.
inauthor:"Yoram Dinstein" from
The intent of this collection of essays in honour of Professor Yoram Dinstein on the occasion of his 70th birthday is to explore such faultlines, first by identifying them and then by assessing their consequences.
inauthor:"Yoram Dinstein" from
The first comprehensive monograph on the defence of superior orders after the second world war, which remains pre-eminent in the field, the republication of this highly-sophisticated work once again makes this book available to scholars and ...
inauthor:"Yoram Dinstein" from
This open access book provides a valuable restatement of the current law of armed conflict regarding hostilities in a diverse range of contexts: outer space, cyber operations, remote and autonomous weapons, undersea systems and devices, ...
inauthor:"Yoram Dinstein" from
Suitable for graduate and advanced undergraduate students, this market-leading book offers a wide-ranging and highly readable introduction to the legal issues surrounding war and self-defence --Publisher.
inauthor:"Yoram Dinstein" from
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